Examining the Censored History of the U.S. and the World


Historical Facts



United States Presidents Prior to George Washington


Note: This is a current research project in progress. There are still a few question marks to resolve.
Please check back at a later date for further information updates.

  • 1774 Peyton Randolph – Sep 5 – Oct 22

  • 1774 Henry Middleton – Oct 22 – Oct 26

  • 1774 Unknown – Oct 27 – May 9, 1775 (?)

  • 1775 Peyton Randolph – May 10 – May 24

  • 1775 John Hancock – May 24 – Oct 31, 1777

  • 1777 Henry Laurens –  Nov 1 - Dec 9, 1778

  • 1778 John Jay – Dec 10 - Sep 28

  • 1779 Samuel Huntington – Sep 28 - Jul 10, 1781

  • 1781 Thomas McKean – Jul 10 - Nov 4 (served five months)

  • 1781 John Hansen – Nov 5 - Nov 3, 1782 (first to serve full one year term)

  • 1782 Elias Boudinot – Nov 4 - Nov 2 1783

  • 1783 Thomas Mifflin – Nov 3 - Jun 3 1784

  • 1784 Richard Henry Lee – Nov 30 - Nov 4 1785

  • 1785 John Hancock - Nov 5 - Jun 5, 1786

  • 1786 Nathan Gorman – Jun 6 - Nov 5, 1786

  • 1786 Unknown – Nov 6 - Feb 1, 1787 (?)

  • 1787 Arthur St. Clair – Feb 2 - Nov 4, 1787 (88?)

  • 1787 Unknown – Nov 5 - Jan 21, 1788 (?)

  • 1788 Cyrus Griffin – Jan 22 - Nov 2, 1788 (89?)

  • 1788 Unknown – Nov 3 - Apr 29, 1789 (?)

1789 George Washington becomes first Constitutional US President (April 30, 1789 - Mar 4, 1797)


The Ultra-Wealthy ("Money Trust") Have Been Investigated Often in US History

1912 Pujo Committee - formed to investigate US ultra-wealthy involvement in the 1907 bank panic (1912-1913)

1932 Pecora Commission - formed to investigate US ultra-wealthy role in 1929 Wall Street Crash (Apr 11 – May 4, 1934)

1934 Nye Committee – formed to investigate US ultra-wealthy push for involvement in WWI (Apr 12 – 1936)

1934 McCormack-Dickstein Committee – formed to investigate US ultra-wealthy 1933 fascist coup (Nov 20 – Feb 15, 1935)  

1946 Kilgore Committee – formed to investigate US ultra-wealthy funding of Hitler and the Nazi’s (1946)

1947 Investment Bankers Case [US v. Morgan] – formed to investigate US ultra-wealthy banking cartel (1947)

1953 Reese Committee (Dodd Report) – formed to investigate US ultra-wealthy tax-exempt foundations (Nov 1 – Apr 30, 1954)



Deadly Battles: Early US Corporations vs. American Labor

1892 Homestead Steel Strike – June 30-July 6 (Carnegie and Frick hire Pinkerton Detectives to attack strikers, with at least 7 killed.) PA

1914 Ludlow Massacre – April 20 (Colorado National Guard attacks striking mine workers for JD Rockefeller, with over 26 killed.) CO

1920 Matewan Massacre – May 19 (Baldwin-Felts Detective Agency hired to fight striking mine workers, UMW. Three workers killed.) VA

1921 Battle of Blair Mountain – Aug 25-Sep 2 (Logan Co Sheriff & Baldwin-Felts Detective Agency kill 50 to 100 striking UMW miners.) WV

1937 Little Steel Strike – May 30 (Chicago police shoot unarmed striking Republic steelworkers, killing 10 and wounding 67.) IL



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