the Censored History of the U.S. and the World
"History would be a wonderful
thing, if only it was true." -Leo Tolstoy |
is written by the victors." -Napoleon Bonaparte |
Did You Know?
Columbus did not discover
America. The Chinese, Egyptians, Phoenicians, Vikings and Knights Templar were all here
long before Columbus.
George Washington was not the
first leader of the United States. There were 16 other US leaders before
Washington became president.
The Revolutionary War had nothing
to do with tea. It was because England took away the interest free
colonial script. Ben Franklin said so.
In 1896 JP Morgan Sr., JD
Rockefeller Sr., and Andrew Carnegie colluded to keep William Jennings
Bryan from the US presidency.
In 1901 Nikola Tesla promised the
world free energy though his Wardenclyffe Project, until JP Morgan Sr.
shut it down.
The three largest countries in
the world all fell in just 7 years time. (1911 China, 1913 United States,
1917 Russia - nothing happened to the UK)
In 1933, a fascist coup was
staged against the FDR led US government, by the ultra-wealthy of the US!
In the late 30's, the US was getting ready to
go to war with Great Britain, under the "Red Plan." (Britain had already
developed US attack plans)
The same US ultra-wealthy
families that tried to take over the US, were also responsible for funding
Hitler and the Third Reich.
Hitler did not die in his bunker,
as taught to all of us in school. He successfully escaped from Germany and lived out a long life.
The United States had advanced
knowledge of the Pearl Harbor attack, well before it happened. (See
testimony of Admiral Kimmel)
The Gulf of Tonkin
attack never
happened. The event that publicly committed the US into war with Vietnam.
(See McNamara admission)
The 1993 World Trade Center bomb
was actually provided by the FBI, and then allowed to be detonated. (The
NY Times reported this story)
DOT head Norman Mineta testified to the 9/11
Commission that VP Dick Cheney was in the PEOC tracking the object that hit
the Pentagon on 9/11.
the time that the airplane was coming into the Pentagon, there was a young
man who would come in and say to the Vice President, 'The plane is 50 miles
out.' 'The plane is 30 miles out.' And when it got down to 'The plane is 10
miles out' the young man said to the Vice President, 'Do the orders still
stand.' And the Vice President turned and whipped his neck around and said,
'Of course the orders still stand. Have you heard anything to the contrary?'
The object was
not shot at, nor was it shot down. It hit key offices inside the
Pentagon and was a major strategic strike on 9/11.
These are but
just a few things the educational system and the corporate mainstream
media have been woefully deceitful on. People might ask, "How could this
be kept out of the media and the educational system?" They need only to
look at the corporations and the foundations that support and finance
definitely shouldn't be written by the victor, but instead only by true
historians. Thanks for visiting.
The Truth Opus: In Their Own
Words |
opus is a collection of musical pieces, strung together as a
composition. The idea behind the Truth Opus was to use this same
concept, while also choreographing in various historical audio
clips as well - creating an opus of real history. With so
many historical clips disappearing off the internet each year, it
was decided to produce as many of the surviving clips that were
still on the internet at the time, into a chronological
presentation. The two presentations listed below depict the
struggles that society was dealing with at the time. Please take
note of the comments regarding the ultra-wealthy. This was
originally produced as one audio presentation, but it was a bit
long, so it was decided to divide it in two. Part one leads up to
9/11 and then just shortly after, while part 2 is all about 9/11.
The clips are free to download by right-clicking and choosing
"save as" or "save link as" from the dialogue box. |
Truth Opus
Pt 1: The US Pre-9/11 |
Truth Opus Pt 2: 9/11 Voices |
Note: The first version (Pt 1) has
been corrected. The wrong version was posted previously. Our
apologies. |
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