Examining the Censored History of the U.S. and the World


Historical Photos


1932 Bonus Army March on the Capitol


The outrage begins as the US senate defeats the long promised bonus bill.


Camp Anacostia in Washington, DC.


Camp Anacostia.


Even the newest, most lethal weapons of the time were rolled out against the army veterans.


The soldiers temporary homes burn as the Washington Monument looms in the background.


Generals Douglas MacArthur and Dwight D. Eisenhower oversaw the bonus army attack.

The camp was torched to the ground by MacArthur's soldiers.

WWI soldiers await their long promised bonus for fighting in the war.


The US government used the latest technology against US veterans, including chemical gas.

US soldiers wield bayonets against their own countrymen, US veterans of WWI.

General Patton's tank regiment was enlisted to threaten the bonus army.

Tanks patrol the streets of Washington, DC.


More gassing of bonus army soldiers.


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